Manchester Arms Investigation


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Last updated Feb 21, 2023 Edit Source

Perhaps not GM but saw this in relation to Made Smarter 

“To maintain the safety and security of both the public and visitors to the UK, police, intelligence agencies and the private security sector is supported by a vibrant UK SME security sector which is a global leader in a wide range of products and services who supported the export of over £5.2M goods and services (2018). Globally, the security market – cyber security included – exhibits continued growth and is projected to reach £150 billion by 2022.

There are many innovative solutions developed for, and applicable to the defence and security sectors. Our team can help you navigate this landscape by signposting funding opportunities, offering advice, providing guidance and introducing beneficial connections.

Companies developing products, services or innovation that are applicable to defence or security sectors and work in areas like cIoT, Data science/AI/ML, Forensics, Detection and screening technologies, Cryptography, Synthetic biology and chemistry, Radiological and nuclear, UAV/drones, sensors, behavioural science, human enhancement, energy storage, advanced materials and electronics, space and Earth Observation, surveillance and intelligence, logistics, command and control.”